da dicembre 2015

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Abbiamo inaugurato la nostra prima mostra web alcuni anni fa con questa fotografa interessante e versatile.
Vaydehi ha viaggiato tanto da quella sua prima mostra e da ogni viaggio ha portato con sé ricordi, emozioni, incontri che ha impresso in scatti molto belli che potete vedere nella gallery in fondo all’articolo.

Prima di guardare gli scatti, “ascoltiamo” l’artista che ci racconta il suo percorso.

The photographer Vaydehi Khandelwal was the protagonist of our first web exhibition, a couple of years ago.
Vaydehi travelled around the world and her experiences, meetings, emotions are all in this new web exhibition dedicated to Madrid.

Enjoy the pictures and read the words of the artist.

Madrid- the city that never sleeps.

Being aware of the fact that the night life in the city was a lot about the energy, people, parties and a culture where people loved being awake till late hours catching up for drinks and dinner, i saw myself observing the energy and looking for a contrast at the same time.

The project speaks about my interpretation of the night through traces and objects I found at various odd hours. Sometimes being very direct and sometimes making me wonder what my subject must have experienced or was going through at that very moment.

Things which have been left, lost, found and captured. The idea has been to explore night through my own little experiences as i walked down the by lanes of Madrid in the dead of cold nights, keeping my title as a metaphor.
“I AM VERY TIRED” is a body of work where i have been in search of situations, actions, objects and myself.


When I landed in Madrid, first thing that struck me was the pulsating energy of the city. To me it was a city that never sleeps. Everybody seemed to be on the streets. A month into Madrid I thought to myself that at some point this city would get tired. So, I went out in search of Madrid that was tired. This is how I chose the title and the images came about.

For me I just wandered the streets trying to figure it all out observing, watching, experiencing , feeling and waiting for the images to jump at me. And they did!

I still don’t consider myself an artist, I am just a beginner learning about the world around me. To call myself an artist would be very presumptuous.

I walked for 2 and a half months wrapping myself up in the cold and coming back chilled to the bones and exhausted and it was happy exhaustion. I have never experienced a winter like that coming from a hot country but I was obsessed.

Walking alone with only the sound of my footsteps everything took on a different hue. I challenged myself and challenging oneself and pushing oneself in extreme conditions is probably what gives rise to good piece of artistic work.

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